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Business Consulting

It is Jay’s mission to enable entrepreneurs with dreams of building successful businesses to navigate the success journey that leads to achieving their dreams, goals, and objectives—both professionally and personally.

Jay Newkirk Business Consulting is founded on a guiding principle founder Jay Newkirk has relied on and applied successfully in both his own business successes and those of his clients.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca is quoted as saying, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” Jay agrees wholeheartedly with these simple words and draws on them as he guides his clients toward achieving their dreams.

Jay brings a fresh approach to business consulting. Instead of offering textbook guidance that attempts to fit his clients into fixed consulting practices, Jay is able to guide people with a dream to where they want to go. By developing a customized strategy that takes into account his clients’ dreams, Jay works with his clients to create a unique plan that guides their journey to success.

True success is realizing your dreams. Jay can help you get there.